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Catalysis for energy: new challenges for a sustainable energetic development

February 8, 2013

Place: Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo
Address: Palacio de la Magdalena. Santander
Date: 18-20 august 2010
Time: 9:30
Management: David Serrano, IMDEA Energía; Victor de la Peña, IMDEA Energía
Inscription: 125 euros
Inscription online: Access to the Inscription online
Registration deadline: until full capacity
Programme: Download in PDF: Programme (Download in PDF in new window; 240 KB)
Additional Information
Abstract of Catalysis for energy: Download in PDF: Abstract (Download in PDF in new window; 1.447 KB)
Impact in the Communication Media

Download programme in PDF: Catalysis for energy: new challenges for a sustainable energetic development

In today’s society the continual technological and industrial progress entails energy consumption that largely exceeds fossil fuel reserves. The environmental consequences of this non-sustainable energy model claim a significant increase of renewable energy sources. For these reason is necessary the development of innovative, feasible and environmental friendly methods for energy production and storage. Among of this framework, a high number of catalytic processes are playing a remarkable role in the transition to a new energetic model based in the use of clean energy sources. In this respect, it is worth highlighting the relevance that the design at molecular scale of high efficient catalytic materials for clean fuels production is attained. Currently, the research in H2 production, as energy vector, as well as the development of new ways for obtaining fuels from abundant and low value resources, such as lignocelluloses biomass or wastes, is showing an exponential increment. On the other hand, taking into account the more restrictive environmental policy with regard to greenhouse gas emission, is also necessary to develop new catalytic technologies, not only to reduce these greenhouse gas emissions but also their transformation into high added-value chemicals and fuels by means of renewable energy sources. These aspects, in which this course is centered, are the main current R&D&I challenges in Energy and Catalysis fields.

Impact in the Communication Media

Madri+d.- Energía y Catálisis: Nuevos retos para un desarrollo energético sostenible

Europapress.- Investigadores advierten del "riesgo" de invertir en energías renovables por "modas"

UIMP.- Investigador de IMDEA-Energía apuesta por “desdemonizar” el hidrógeno porque “no es peligroso y no contamina”

Cataluña Vanguardista.- El hidrógeno es fácil de utilizar, no es peligroso y no contamina El CNH2 ve en el hidrógeno la solución a la intermitencia de las renovables Investigadores advierten del "riesgo" de invertir en energíasrenovables por "modas" El CNH2 ve en el hidrógeno la solución a la intermitencia de las renovables

20 minutos.- Política migratoria, protección de espacios naturales y deporte como fenómeno social, a debate esta semana