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Small Solar Thermal Power Systems

February 8, 2013

Place: EOI Madrid
Address: Avda. Gregorio del Amo, 6. 28040 Madrid
Date: 1 st July 2010
Time: 9:00
Organized by: IMDEA Energía, EOI
Inscription: Free
Inscription online

This first generation of CSP commercial projects is still based on conservative schemes and technological devices which do not exploit the enormous potential of concentrated solar energy. The most immediate consequence of these conservative designs is the use of systems with limited efficiencies, the tight limitation in the use of efficient energy storage systems, the high water consumption and land extension due to the inefficiency of the integration with the power block, the lack of rational schemes for their integration in distributed generation architectures and the limitation to reach the temperatures needed solar fuels production. In parallel a new generation of concentrating solar thermal power systems is starting deployment. This new generation is characterized by its modularity and higher conversion efficiencies. The design strategy is based on the use of dish/engine systems or highly compact mini-heliostat fields with integration into high temperature thermodynamic cycles.

The seminar analyzes the state of the art on small solar thermal power systems and their potential to optimize distributed generation.


09:00 h. Registration

09:15 h. Seminar Opening
EOI e IMDEA Energía

09:30 – 10:00 h. Small Solar Thermal Power Systems
Manuel Romero, IMDEA Energía, Spain
Download PDF: Presentation (PDF en nueva ventana; 3.147 KB)

SESSION: Dish-Stirling technology

10:00 – 10:30 h. Dish-Stirling systems: Tessera Solar
Tessera Brendan O’Brien, Tessera Solar, London, U.K.
Download PDF: Presentation (PDF en nueva ventana; 7.779 KB)

10:30 – 11:00 h. -Stirling systems: Infinia
Infinia Brenda McCabe, Infinia, Madrid, Spain

11:00 – 11:30 h. Coffee Break

Session: Mini-towers and multi-towers arrays

11:30 – 12:00 h. Beam-down solar towers
Juan Ignacio Burgaleta, Torresol Energy, Madrid, Spain
Download PDF: Presentation (PDF en nueva ventana; 885 KB)

12:00 – 12:30 h. Power generation with small solar thermal power towers
Pierre Elbaz, AORA SOLAR, Cádiz, Spain
Download PDF: Presentation (PDF en nueva ventana; 1.472 KB)

12:30 – 13.15 h. Round table: Future of solar thermal power plants: technology challenges and new energy niches

13:15 h. End of seminar


EOI e IMDEA Energía