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The Real Sociedad Española de Física awards to Ricardo Arias González

February 8, 2013

The scientist Dr J. Ricardo Arias González, of the CNB-CSIC-IMDEA Nanociencia Nanobiotechnology Unit, has received an award from the Real Sociedad Española de Física and the Fundación BBVA. Each year, the two societies grant a prize for the best article published in the Revista Española de Física and the Revista Iberoamericana de Física on physics and its current advances. Dr Arias González received the award at the Palacio del Marqués de Salamanca (head office of the BBVA Foundation in Madrid). Accuracy of information and ease of understanding by a broad audience were the merits highlighted by the jury in the article Manipulación láser de células, orgánulos y biomoléculas, which received the 1,500 € prize.

The Real Sociedad Española de Física awards to Ricardo Arias González

From left to right : Vicent Josep Martínez García, Jorge Pisonero, María Ródenas y José Agulló, José Bernabéu, Mª del Rosario Heras, Carmen Vela, Adolf Cortel, José Ramón Perán, J. Ricardo Arias, Julio Güémez, Carlos Fiolhais y Manuel Fiolhais