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Smartgrids – The making of

February 8, 2013

Lugar: EOI Madrid
Dirección: Avda. Gregorio del Amo, 6. 28040 Madrid
Fecha: 3 de noviembre 2010
Hora: 8:45
Organizadores: IMDEA Energía, EOI
Cuota de inscripción: Gratuita
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Programa: Descargar en PDF: Programa (Descargar PDF en una nueva ventana; 117 KB)

Descargar programa en PDF: Cursos de verano UIMP-Imdea Energía: Energía y catálisis: nuevos retos para un desarrollo energético sostenible

SmartGrids has become a common term used to cover various aspects and expectations from the future power grids. The main driving force behind SmartGrids have been the ever growing energy consumption (now also coming with various consumer needs) and the necessity that it is matched and provided for by a diverse mix of energy sources. In order to provide for future power network connections of conventional and renewable generation of all sizes and at all voltage levels, billions of electric vehicles and smart loads and, in particular, de-regulated energy trading we all agreed we need SmartGrids. As it is not a question at this moment whether or not we need SmartGrids, but how quickly we should be able to use their benefits, the aim of this seminar is to establish what important aspects need to be addressed sooner rather than later.

The intention is to introduce and re-emphasise the importance of the SmartGrids development, to assess the R&D work in the area and present what solutions have already been accepted and implemented by the academic and industrial communities.

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