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Conferencia Redes eléctricas del futuro

February 8, 2013

Fecha: 3 de febrero 2011
Hora: 11:00-13:00
Speaker: Milan Prodanovic
Organizador: Centro para las Tecnologías Inteligentes de la Información y sus Aplicaciones CETINIA) de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Dirección: URJC, Campus de Móstoles, Departamental II, Salón de grados
Asistencia gratuita
Mas información:

Electric power networks are about to experience their most radical change ever. With increasing levels of energy consumption and, in particular, with various types of distributed generation connected to the network, the conventional methods of energy generation, transmission and distribution cannot any longer provide the required level of system reliability and robustness. A need for more flexible network connection and management has already seen many competing ideas for decentralised, islanded and microgrid solutions for the power distribution. By harnessing the potential of communication networks to provide reliable, real-time monitoring of the network generation and demand, new and unprecedented management techniques will be deployed to increase the network efficiency and enable further integration of renewables. "Smartgrids" is a common term used to describe such a complex set of changes required at all levels of power networks.

Speaker: Milan Prodanovic

Milan Prodanovic is Senior Researcher and Head of Electrical Processes Unit at IMDEA Energy institute. He received his B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Belgrade, Serbia and his Ph.D. degree from Imperial College, London. Milan was engaged in a number of academic and industrial projects and activities ranging from integration of distributed generation, modelling, design and control of large scale power converters in microgrids, decentralised control and real-time simulation of power networks to energy efficiency in systems for vibration testing, educational programs and public dissemination events. He authored several journal and conference papers and is holder of 3 international patent applications in the area of energy efficiency and converter control. Milan was closely collaborating with his academic and industrial partners in Spain, UK, Belgium, Switzerland, Kenya and Japan.