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IMDEA Materials will participate in the Forum for New Materials and Nanotechnology which will be held on October 24th in the CSIC.

February 8, 2013

The Science and Technology Forum of Madri+d of October is dedicated to the new materials and nanotechnology. The second session of this forum is an excellent opportunity to know the perspectives and new developments on Advanced Materials and Nanoscience. During this session the main research lines of the Madrid Institutes for Advanced Studies (IMDEA) onto these thematic areas, IMDEA-Materials and IMDEA-Nanoscience will be presented. After that, two lectures will be given by the professors Manuel Vázquez, from the Madrid Institute for Materials Science (ICMM-CSIC) and Mauricio Torres, from the Potosiano Institute for Technological and Scientific Research (IPICYT) of Mexico.

IMDEA-Materials Director, Professor Javier Llorca, will present the current main research lines of the institute.

The event will be held on 24th of October in the “Salon de Actos” of CSIC. C/Serrano, 117.

Inscriptions at and the event information link at
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