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Why I am a scientist – Researchers’ Night, Madrid 2010

February 8, 2013

Organiser: Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies (IMDEA)

Hour: From 18:00 p.m to 19:30 p.m

Place of the event and transport:
Medialab Prado
C/ Alameda, 15. Madrid
Metro: Atocha y Cercanías: Atocha
Buses: 6, 10, 14, 19, 26, 27, 32, 34, 37 y 45

Aim of the activity: The basic aim of this activity is to give an insight on research professionals, their training, motivations, objectives… in an attempt to do away with the traditional view of researchers as oddities, persons slightly detached from society, only concerned about what happens inside their “laboratory”.

Participants will realize how interesting the research world is, where effort is not so much compensated in monetary terms but with the possibility of doing what one likes, working with intelligent and extremely motivated people, where the priority is to find solutions for problems in society. Who has never dreamed about meeting a Nobel Prize Winner? Or, better yet, who would not like to travel to Stockholm to collect this reward for one’s work?

More information: Informative dossier (PDF in new window; 586 KB)

Banner La Noche de los Investigadores. Madrid - 2010