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An analytical model for a Cache Assisted IPv6 Address Autoconfiguration protocol for VANETs

February 8, 2013


Vehicular communications will increase road safety, traffic efficiency and driving comfort, by enabling vehicles to form Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) and to directly exchange information. Additionally, connecting the VANET to an IP based network infrastructure (e.g., the Internet) may enhance those applications, and creating the opportunity for others such as infotainment ones (e.g., games, web browsing, e-mail, etc.). One of the functionalities needed to bring IP to vehicular networks is the capability of vehicles to autoconfigure an IPv6 address. GeoSAC is a mechanism enabling IPv6 address autoconfiguration in vehicular networks based on geographic routing. In GeoSAC, as a result of the mobility of the vehicles, they cannot always use the same IP address. Each new address configuration introduces a delay during which communications are interrupted. We propose an improvement for GeoSAC, based on the caching of Router Advertisements, to avoid this disruption time. We also analytically model the probability of achieving seamless IP address reconfiguration as well as an expression for the average configuration time of nodes. The model is validated through extensive simulation. Results in different realistic scenarios show that the use of our proposed optimisation is valuable and would improve the performance in terms of configuration time and/or signaling overhead and the average configuration time expression would provide network administrators with a powerful tool that can be used during the network design.